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Real estate price per m² in Attalens (1616)

The average price per m² in Attalens (1616) in December 2024 is CHF 8'053, with an average of CHF 7'811 for apartments and CHF 8'294 for houses.

Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)

Average price per m² for houses
CHF 8'294
CHF 4'262 - CHF 10'731
Average price per m² for apartments
CHF 7'811
CHF 5'784 - CHF 10'741
In December 2024, the average price per m² in Attalens (1616) is CHF 8'053

Real estate prices in Attalens (1616)

Real estate prices in Attalens (1616) by number of rooms

Prices for houses
RoomsAverage priceAverage price per m²
House with 4.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 1'216'714CHF 8'599 / m²
House with 5.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 1'280'833CHF 8'130 / m²
House with 6.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 1'357'500CHF 7'751 / m²
House with 7.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 2'323'333CHF 8'274 / m²
Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)
Prices for apartments
RoomsAverage priceAverage price per m²
Apartment with 2.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 506'600CHF 8'385 / m²
Apartment with 3.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 740'833CHF 7'667 / m²
Apartment with 4.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 831'100CHF 7'653 / m²
Apartment with 5.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 806'500CHF 7'246 / m²
Apartment with 6.5 rooms in Attalens (1616)CHF 2'300'000CHF 8'519 / m²
Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)

Real estate prices around Attalens (1616)

Average price of neighboring localities
LocalityAverage price of housesAverage price per m² of housesAverage price of apartmentsAverage price per m² of apartmentsMore details
1615 BossonnensCHF 1'433'364CHF 7'404 / m²CHF 501'818CHF 6'876 / m²Real estate prices in 1615 Bossonnens
1617 TatrozCHF 1'044'273CHF 7'017 / m²CHF 744'000CHF 6'331 / m²Real estate prices in 1617 Tatroz
1801 Le Mont-PèlerinCHF 2'092'500CHF 10'608 / m²CHF 1'877'824CHF 11'816 / m²Real estate prices in 1801 Le Mont-Pèlerin
1805 JongnyCHF 2'102'333CHF 9'977 / m²CHF 1'357'632CHF 10'803 / m²Real estate prices in 1805 Jongny
1808 Les Monts-de-CorsierCHF 1'804'833CHF 9'524 / m²Insufficient dataInsufficient dataReal estate prices in 1808 Les Monts-de-Corsier
1809 Fenil-sur-CorsierCHF 1'650'000CHF 7'817 / m²CHF 560'000CHF 4'912 / m²Real estate prices in 1809 Fenil-sur-Corsier
Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)

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