
Estimate the value of your property in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)

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Real estate price per m² in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)

The average price per m² in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208) in December 2024 is CHF 5'601, with an average of CHF 5'105 for apartments and CHF 6'098 for houses.

Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)

Average price per m² for houses
CHF 6'098
CHF 4'917 - CHF 7'636
Average price per m² for apartments
CHF 5'105
CHF 3'222 - CHF 6'846
In December 2024, the average price per m² in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208) is CHF 5'601

Real estate prices in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)

Real estate prices in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208) by number of rooms

Prices for houses
RoomsAverage priceAverage price per m²
House with 3.5 rooms in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)CHF 225'000CHF 4'891 / m²
House with 4.5 rooms in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)CHF 1'078'750CHF 6'360 / m²
House with 5.5 rooms in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)CHF 916'667CHF 6'447 / m²
House with 7.5 rooms in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)CHF 1'250'000CHF 5'208 / m²
Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)
Prices for apartments
RoomsAverage priceAverage price per m²
Apartment with 4.5 rooms in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)CHF 747'500CHF 5'587 / m²
Apartment with 5.5 rooms in Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)CHF 550'000CHF 3'179 / m²
Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)

Real estate prices around Les Hauts-Geneveys (2208)

Average price of neighboring localities
LocalityAverage price of housesAverage price per m² of housesAverage price of apartmentsAverage price per m² of apartmentsMore details
2043 BoudevilliersCHF 1'106'667CHF 5'454 / m²CHF 705'000CHF 7'257 / m²Real estate prices in 2043 Boudevilliers
2046 FontainesCHF 1'026'667CHF 6'064 / m²CHF 821'667CHF 5'883 / m²Real estate prices in 2046 Fontaines
2052 FontainemelonCHF 782'857CHF 6'732 / m²CHF 650'286CHF 5'814 / m²Real estate prices in 2052 Fontainemelon
2052 La Vue-des-AlpesCHF 782'857CHF 6'732 / m²CHF 650'286CHF 5'814 / m²Real estate prices in 2052 La Vue-des-Alpes
2206 Les Geneveys-sur-CoffraneCHF 948'333CHF 5'567 / m²CHF 629'462CHF 5'082 / m²Real estate prices in 2206 Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
2207 CoffraneCHF 962'500CHF 5'834 / m²CHF 575'000CHF 5'000 / m²Real estate prices in 2207 Coffrane
Source: PriceHubble (Updated in October 2024)

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